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Keith & Jenni Bedford’s update on the English Language Programme at LBC

Keith and Jenni Bedford have recently returned from a month of teaching English at Lanka Bible College and Seminary in Sri Lanka. It was one that was full of surprises, and a testament to how God is at work in unexpected ways.

We left in September for our month of teaching at Lanka Bible College and Seminary in Kandy unsure as to what was ahead. The final email from Dr Lal, the principal, confirmed that the College was unsure of numbers for the English language programme saying “Please come prepared for a surprise. This is Sri Lanka!”.

Group photo of students and teachers from LBC's 2024 English Language Programme
2024 students and teachers

We did in fact receive a number of surprises during our month – a good lesson in being flexible and trusting that God was at work in unexpected ways. We arrived to find there were 14 students from a variety of backgrounds and prior English skill levels, including some who required a more basic English programme. We expected to teach for four weeks but had an unexpected free week when the College closed for National holidays and the election. This enabled us to enjoy a great week of sightseeing but we felt for those students who needed the usual four weeks of teaching.

As we experienced last year, we appreciated the residential nature of the course that enables more interaction with students, including some evening activities. It was great to reconnect with faculty, and again we enjoyed the kind hospitality of Dr Lal and his wife Lalitha.

Keith and Jenni with students from the 2023 English Language Programme
Catching up with students from the 2023 programme

A highlight was the unexpected arrival (involving a 5-hour/3 bus journey!) of six students who participated in the same course last year. They shared about the ministry activities they are involved in, focusing on outreach amongst tertiary students. It was so rewarding to hear them speak of the impact and encouragement of the English course last year and the way Stott’s book, The Radical Disciple, is being passed around new participants in the outreach activities.

In the final week it was so good to be joined by Steph Christensen from Tauranga, who was already in the country to help resettle a Sri Lankan woman who had become a believer while in jail in Lebanon. Steph was able to provide helpful individualised coaching to several students who were struggling because of low levels of English – an unexpected blessing. Over the time away we were encouraged by those praying for us. We had good health, protection in our travels and opportunities to be involved in the lives of others. We learn so much from our students who through the course share their faith journeys with us.

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