Help Equip the Next Generation of Christian Leaders in Nepal
With our partner schools at Asia Graduate School of Theology, Nepal
Invest in the transformation of nations
Join us to ensure that the light of knowledge and spiritual wisdom continues to shine brightly in this growing community.
If you’d prefer, you can make a direct donation via bank transfer to:
Particulars: Your first name and last name
Reference: AGST Nepal
Code: Donation
*This code does not qualify for NZ tax credit

Who we are
Beacon Partnerships (formerly LeaDev-Langham) represents a partnership between Overseas Council and Langham Partnership International in New Zealand. We are committed to working alongside Christian leaders in Asia-Pacific, equipping them with skills and tools needed to teach and preach God’s Word to grow the church with depth and maturity.
Training up Nepali Christian Leaders
The Nepalese church, while young, is one of the fastest growing churches worldwide. Your contributions can make a significant impact on the future of the church and the spread of the Gospel in this region at this strategic time.
On behalf of ATR&D, Beacon Partnerships is raising funds for 3 initiatives to help grow the church in this region. We partner with AGST Nepal, which is a consortium of accredited institutions, that offers advanced theological degrees.
Who are AGST Nepal?

Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST), Nepal is a consortium of eight theological colleges created to promote higher level theological courses to meet the needs of the Nepelese church. They offer courses at the M.Div, M.Th, D.Min and Ph.D. level.
Their aim is to prepare Biblically based, theologically sound and contextually relevant Christian ministers for the church in Nepal and beyond.
The impact of your donation
$3120 NZD
MTh Scholarships in Practical Theology and Intercultural Studies

$2102 NZD
Teachers’ fees for 6 subjects in 2025 and 2026

$850 NZD
Publishing Nepal Theological Forum Research Paper Volume Three

Why Give to Beacon Partnerships?
We are Locally-led and Collaborative
We work with staff and faculty at Lanka Bible Seminary and Colombo Theological Seminary which we have long-standing relationships with, to understand their needs and support them.
Join Our Legacy of Transformation
We invite you to join our community of Kiwi Christians who have been supporting the Asia-Pacific church to flourish for over 30 years, by helping them train their own leaders in their own countries.
Bring a Beacon of Hope
By supporting our cause, you enable the training of Christian leaders, whose impact on the church and society is immeasurable. These servant leaders bring about spiritual and theological maturity, shaping a future of transformation and growth.