Sponsor Leaders
Equipping emerging Christian Leaders with a PhD to shape their nation and the world for Christ
Having a PhD in Theological or Biblical studies amplifies the reach of emerging Christian Leaders by giving them a bigger platform.
Langham Scholar Havilah and Angukali, a former student that she trained and mentored, now a Langham Scholar herself.
Why Scholars?
There can be few greater causes than training leaders for the church, equipping and teaching individuals who will emerge as resourceful, indigenous Christian leaders in their context.
By supporting nationals in their own country during their studies, the church is assured of a steady flow of pastors, evangelists and church planters. On graduation, students not only know their local culture, but are able to minister for decades after their training, supported by their local church.
How can I sponsor a future leader?
Sponsoring a student scholarship only costs $4,000 per year. In many countries the cost of a year of training is only a small fraction of what similar training would cost in a Western seminary and this even includes living costs. By doing so you would be sponsoring a future leader of the church in Asia-Pacific. A long-term investment for the kingdom!
If you would like to sponsor a leader get in touch.
Kiwis just like you are supporting leaders, Harry and Lydia, from Indonesia
Kiwi churches are supporting the training of scholars Herry and Lydia from Tyrannus Bible Seminary in Bandung, Indonesia. In the video Herry talks about what he is studying in Dunedin.
We would love it if you could join us in supporting their incredible journey too.
The impact of scholars over the course of their careers (± 25 years)
63% write their 1st indigenous theological book. They have 5x more publications than leaders without a PhD.
75% become senior school administrators, and in doing so adding 25,924 students.
Global Voices
73% teach class in a new country and denomination.
51% start a new ministry, serving 167,507 people annually.
30% serve as an international council or board member.