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Legacy Giving

Make Developing Christian Leaders part of your lasting Legacy

At Beacon Partnerships, our mission is to empower the Church by nurturing leaders in their own communities and nations.

We rely on the generous contributions of our amazing supporters from New Zealand. While regular donations address immediate training needs, leaving a Bequest in your Will ensures sustained support and growth for the long term.

A bequest to Beacon Partnerships is a cherished gift to us. The capital will be invested allowing us to generate ongoing income to fund leadership training. This will ensure that the impact of your Bequest lasts indefinitely and allow us to continue bearing fruit in God’s Kingdom well into the future.

Ready to talk?

If you would like to discuss leaving a gift in your Will, please call our team on +64 9 376 5190 or email us to arrange a meeting in absolute confidence – we’d love to talk to you.

Please download your guide to leaving a gift to Beacon Partnerships here.

Woman holding a selection of Christian literature

We want to continue to help this ministry so that when we’ve passed away there will be money left for spreading the Word of God, the Gospel, throughout the world…. If we’re unable to go and do it, then the next best thing that we can do is to leave our money to be used.

Mike & Heather Johnson
Beacon Partnerships Supporters

We felt that this was an organisation making wise use of people’s funds. We love the idea that they’re supporting students in their own country… who can go out and help the people of their country. We like that style of mission work. Obviously we encourage people to give in their lifetime, but there needs to be ongoing support, so we feel a Bequest is well worthwhile.

Doug & Ruth Astley
Beacon Partnerships Supporters

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